Public Art
We believe the artworks of our building should represent diversity, serve purpose, impact and meaning, and reflect the spirit of a new era in Pittsburgh's downtown development.

Floor 1:
"The Last Supper" by Felix de la Concha
First Floor Art
Floor 2:
"At The Foot Of The Falls" by Felix de la Concha

Floor 2:
"Three Rivers Bench" by Thaddeus Mosley

Floor 2:
"16th Street Bridge" by Jack Wolf

Floor 2:

Floor 3:
"Heaven's Gates" by Karen Antonelli

Floor 3:
"Steel Field on Blue" by James Shipman

Floor 3:
"Enter/Exit" by Michael Hertrich

Floor 3:
"The Ghosts of Birmingham" by Jon Shultz

Floor 3:
"February Mill Series" Ron Donoughe

Floor 3:
"Heinz Triptych Bottles" by Burton Morris

Floor 3:
"Homage to the Men and the Mills" by Frances Vernardos Gialamas

Floor 3:
"We Buy Clean Cars" by Charles Biddle

Floor 4:
"Armstrong Cork Building in Strip District" by Bill Rizzo

Floor 4:

Floor 4:

Floor 4:
"River Rail and Viewing Machine" by Steve O'Hearn

Floor 4:
"For Pittsburgh" by Jenny Holzer